Do You Deserve Referrals?

There is a blog that hit my radar screen a few weeks ago. It is published
by Zane Safrit the CEO of Conference Calls Unlimited, so naturally it is
called CCUCEO. I have to admit that the way Zane got my attention at
first was to make reference to my blog entries. (Okay, so now you know
how to get my attention.)

But one visit to his blog and you can tell this is a CEO with a passion for
what he is doing and it comes through loud and clear in his writing.

Recently, Zane made an entry about referrals

No surprise that the author of Referral Flood would take note but this
entry is remarkable for two reasons.

1) Zane challenges small business owners to deserve referrals. You know
I spend a lot of time talking about ways to generate referrals and not
enough time driving home this point – if you aren’t already generating
a fair amount of referrals, then you might need to fix something back
at the ranch!

2) The other reason I love Zane’s entries is because he is doing what he
writes about. I always pride myself on practicing most of the marketing
methods I preach and in this case I think you find that Zane comes with
a total honesty about what he loves to do.

So go connect with this blog and check it often.

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