kevindooley via Flickr I’ve owned my own business long enough to have experienced many things. I’ve seen what happens when I’m impatient,

Users of Google+ are quickly coming to the conclusion that one of the game changing features offered up by this new social

When asked to talk about marketing these days I spend increasing amounts of time explaining the notion of being found. Like it

My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.

Now, before my buddy Chris Brogan, who currently seems obsessed with Google+, gets riled up, let me explain that title. It’s not

Yesterday Facebook announced the addition of Skype enabled video calls inside the walls of Facebook. (Hmm, wonder if they own those too

Humor and lightness are powerful tools in the hands of a creative marketer. Nic's events via Flickr Far too often business is

Plain and simple, the real reason to participate in any marketing activity, including Facebook and others, is to generate a customer. That

A business is only alive to the extent that there is commitment. This can be said of the individual elements of any