Make A Daily Appointment With The Marketing Department

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  • Make A Daily Appointment With The Marketing Department

Many of my clients tell me that they just never seem to get around to doing the marketing they know they must do.

Here’s the simple solution I offer to this common dilemma.

Write it on your schedule every day. That’s right, it’s pretty simple. Schedule marketing just like you do any other meeting. Block off from 10:00 am to 11:00 right after the weekly account review meeting and right before the pitch to Consolidated Plumbing. This daily meeting is every bit as important as your client work, but unless you make a habit of reserving a set amount of time for it each day, the squeaking wheel will rob you of it.

Set the time aside and then make yourself contact that networking resource, line up a speaking engagement, visit with a reporter, make a week’s worth of blog entries, write a case study. Schedule this meeting and do something productive everyday and your marketing will become so much easier and so much more effective.

Just remember this – marketing is not an event, it’s a process – a systematic process of consistently and creatively sending compelling messages to people who need to hear them over and over again – I’m just saying, treat it that way.

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