Why Your Sales Pitch Isn’t Converting

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Thursday is guest post day here at Duct Tape Marketing and today’s guest is Jordyn Rickard – Enjoy!

EmolectualWith call after call made to numerous businesses or advertisement after advertisement placed for potential customers and no results, you may be on the verge of a mental and emotional breakdown. It’s time to sit down and ask yourself a serious question… Why isn’t your sales pitch converting?

If you’re stumped and think that you’ve tried everything, it’s time to think again. Chances are, you simply are not making the right type of connection with your target consumer or client. Worse yet, there’s a chance you aren’t making any sort of connection. Without forming a connection that resonates deep within the consumer, your sales pitch and product stand very little chance of going to the places you ultimately want them to be.

Read on below for a solid solution to shaping your sales pitch using three easy strategies your ideal customer won’t get enough of.

A Fine Balance and Identifying The Connection Model

An ideal marketing sales pitch will make a connection that appeals to both an intellectual and emotional side. Falling too far on one side or the other eliminates the need and validation required for prospective customers to convert into customers. This scientific connection is dubbed an “emolectual connection.” Think about your pitch and why clients would emotionally want to be involved. Will it make better lives for their families? Make memories? Fill voids that they consistently face? Then turn your pitch around to its intellectual side. Why does this make sense financially? Why are YOU the best solution versus the other guys?

The Emotional Aspect

Convey your passion in your pitch. Tell your audience what makes you get up in the morning and what makes you thrive from day to day. Once they understand where you are coming from, you can turn the tables and connect with them on an emotional level. Part of being a great salesperson is identifying what makes your client thrive on a day to day basis. Showing clients how your product or service can impact their lives for the better will have them wrapped around your finger. Alternatively, a connection that doesn’t also include an intellectual bond will leave you with a wishy-washy client who may or may not drop in a short period of time. An emotional connection compels a person to stick with you over leaving for the other guy.

The Intellectual Aspect

All business minded individuals and consumers operate from a standpoint of validation. Everything they do has to make sense – from a financial standpoint to a moral standpoint. Take this opportunity to tell them why they need you. Why your product is the end all solution to fill the void. Talk finances and keep the end goal focused on them being happier and in a better place with your product in sight. People don’t want to be sold, but people do want to buy. Give them a reason that makes sense and you’re golden.

Most pitches already possess the intellectual aspect of an emolectual connection. By tying the two together to form an emolectual connection, you’ll find your sales pitch not only converts, but resonates deep within a consumer. Business experts and businesses themselves know that an angry customer is more likely to speak up and tell a friend or leave a review than a satisfied customer. But a passionate customer is just as likely to leave a review and speak up. Go for beyond happy customers, strive for a well-rounded connection and benefit significantly!

Jordyn RickardJordyn Rickard is a young marketing professional with over 5 years of experience in marketing and strategy for small and medium sized businesses. With an education in finance and an extensive freelancing background, she’s had the privilege of developing solutions that work for small businesses. Currently, Rickard proudly works as a Success Coordinator for Synduit, a marketing and consulting firm for small businesses. Reach out to Rickard on Twitter @jordynatsynduit .

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Jordyn Rickard

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